Solo Leveling animator promises it’ll only get “hotter”

Anthony McGlynn
Sung Jinwoo in Solo Leveling Episode 6

Solo Leveling has already given us some stellar sequences, and the anime is only going to get more intense, according to one of the animators.

Given the popularity of the source manwha, it’s no surprise that Solo Leveling has become one of 2024’s hit anime shows. But even if Chugong’s original versions weren’t a phenomenon, the animation from A-1 Pictures would’ve made sure we paid attention.

Throughout Solo Leveling, Sung Jinwoo is presented with challenge after challenge, each leading to more exuberant battles. The speed and flow and vibrancy of his encounters with the Giant Arachnid Buryura and Cerberus have made them exhilarating – and the crew is just getting started.

Solo Leveling will only get “hotter” from here

Animation producer Atsushi Kaneko recently spoke about what fans can expect from Solo Leveling going forward. “I would like you to not only watch the action scenes get even hotter,” he tells Animate Times. “But also see where Sung’s growth will take him through the encounters, farewells, and battles with powerful enemies that await him.”

Well, that’s encouraging. Certainly, there are plenty of moments from the manwha that should make for incredible scenes in the anime. No spoilers, but Sung Jinwoo’s skillset goes way beyond his current powers, to the point he can amass an army. It’s awesome, and there are a few moments where goosebumps are guaranteed.

For now, we’re waiting for him to enter the Demon’s Castle. After defeating Cerberus, Sung decided to grind a little bit before moving onto the dungeon. In the same interview, Kaneko mentions that Cerberus was nearly the end for Sung, so it’s better to come back rejuvenated and well stocked in his inventory.

Nonetheless, whatever threats live in that dungeon should be wary – a great hero is about to enter. If you’d like to do more thrillseeking, check out our list of the best anime like Solo Leveling.