Apex Legends considering adding a “skin museum” for old skins that are unavailable

Calum Patterson
Apex Legends black friday skins

Missed out on an old event skin in Apex Legends and what to see what it looked like? Apex Legends devs at Respawn Entertainment are considering adding a skin “museum” of sorts, to allow players to see unavailable skins in-game.

Currently, when skins become unavailable after an event or promotion has ended, the only way players can see what they missed out on is by searching the internet.

This includes items like Twitch Prime skins, old starter packs, and of course skins and recolors from past Collection events or in-game sales.

An idea suggested by a player got a dev thinking, and they are considering adding a system in-game to be able to view old skins, even those that are no longer available to players.

Valkyrie Apex Legends prime
Prime Gaming Skins are only available for a limited-time.

In Season 9, Respawn’s UI team added a new function to be able to sort badges by ones that players have unlocked, making it easier to navigate. UI Developer RobotHavGunz said that they have plans for more improvements like this, including sorting charms.

A player suggested that “Whenever you get around to this system for skins, would it be possible to let us view event/recolor legendaries, even if we couldn’t obtain them? Maybe put it behind a filter/toggle similar to Overwatch.”

The developer responded, “I do think it’d be neat. I spend a lot of time actually looking at old skins in dev builds internally. I wouldn’t want it to be more frustrating. But I do like the idea of a “vault” or “museum” of sorts rather than making people google the old skins…”

Reddit comment from Robothavgunz

Such a feature doesn’t sound like it’s in the works at this stage, and there’s no guarantee it will ever happen, but it would certainly be a welcome addition.

With new skins coming in at a rapid rate, it will soon become a massive task to keep an archive of everything, but an in-game museum would be an excellent feature.

Hopefully, we’ll hear more on this in a future update.