Apex Legends cosplayer steals fans’ hearts with flawless Loba outfit

Bill Cooney
Flawless Loba Cosplay

One Apex Legends fan has created what could be one of the best cosplays for Loba that we’ve seen since the High society Thief was first released at the start of Season 4.

The quick-handed Legend came to Apex in May of 2020, and since then she’s become a favorite for her ability to pluck the most high-value loot off the map, even if her Burglar’s Best Friend ability is touch and go at the best of times.

We’ve definitely seen some great costumes of her created since release, but very few come close to the near-flawless one recently shared by Polish cosplayer ‘Sosenka.’

When you look at the side by side shot of the artist next to her cosplay, it’s almost as if it’s two different people entirely, with Loba herself brought into the real world.

From the hair to the makeup, Sosenka’s Loba looks just about as detailed as you could possibly get, all the way down to the wolf tattoo perfectly placed just beneath her neck.

Accessory-wise this one comes loaded with all of the bells and whistles. Her wolf staff is present in all of its glory, though whether or not it’s capable of flight or stealing loot from the surrounding area is unknown.

As if all of that wasn’t enough, Sosenka even threw in some yellow colored contacts to give her the Legend’s yellow canine eyes. A bit creepy, but also the cherry on top when it comes to this deeply detailed cosplay.

The Polish artist doesn’t just limit herself to Apex Legends though – far from it in fact. One look at her Instagram and you’ll see everything from Team Rocket’s Jesse to an incredible Gandalf that actually makes her look like an old man.

Despite all the great examples, we do have to admit that Loba is one of Sosenka’s best creations yet (even if we are a little biased on the matter). That being said though, we can’t wait to see what she comes up with next.