Apex Legends could take character idea from Rainbow Six to counter scan meta

Alex Garton
Apex Legends Rainbow Six

An Apex Legends player has suggested that Respawn should take inspiration from Rainbow Six Siege character Mute, and create Legend that counters scan abilities.

Over the last few seasons, every Legend released into Apex has had a scan or x-ray ability interweaved in their kit.

Whether it’s Seer’s heartbeat sensor, Ash’s Marked For Death, or now Maggie’s Warlord’s Ire x-ray in Season 12, there’s definitely a trend developing with each new character.

While some of the community likes these abilities, a vocal portion of them don’t and are not happy that the devs are continuing to push players into a scan meta.

So, to counter all of these Legends, one Reddit user has suggested that Respawn take inspiration from Rainbow Six, and add a character like Mute to the game to counter scans.

Bloodhound scan Apex Legends
Bloodhound is the most popular scan Legend in the game.

Apex players want a Legend that counters the scan meta

On February 24, a thread was posted to the Apex Legends subreddit asking the community how they would create a Legend to counter the scan meta.

While a lot of players suggested buffing already existing characters like Crypto and Bangalore, others advised Respawn to take inspiration from other FPS titles.

One of these popular ideas was raised by sicko-mod who thinks the devs should add a Legend similar to Mute from Rainbow Six. Their kit would revolve around disrupting enemy radars by placing down a jammer that scrambles HUDs and makes nearby allies immune to scans.

“A character like mute from rainbow 6 where he places a jammer on the ground that scrambles nearby enemy HUD’s and standing around it makes you immune to scans”.

Although this concept is getting a lot of praise from the Apex community, it seems unlikely that Respawn would add a Legend to directly counter scans and x-rays.

This would make a specific character extremely powerful against half of the roster and it also goes against Respawn’s recent trend of giving every new Legend a scan ability.

Either way, we’ll have to wait and see if the new face in Season 13 follows the scan trend, or if the devs decide it’s time to go in another direction.