Apex Legends damage boosters embarrassed as undercover players get revenge

Alex Garton
Apex Legends damage boosters

A set of Apex Legends players decided to go undercover and betray a squad of boosters who were attempting to unlock the damage badges unfairly.

While the use of third-party software and hacks can be identified and punished by Apex Legends’ automated system, not every form of cheating is so easy to track.

One issue that often goes under the radar is players boosting for damage and kill badges instead of earning them on their own.

Usually, the only way to get boosters banned or suspended is to catch them red-handed with a clip and send it over to the security team at Respawn.

Well, instead of leaving justice for the devs, one set of Apex players decided to infiltrate a boosting operation and take them down from the inside.

Apex Legends Wraith
The majority of boosters are looking to obtain the damage or kill badges in Apex Legends.

Undercover Apex players serve justice to cheating boosters

After reaching the endgame of a match with one other enemy squad, Notoriousjello and their team decided to meet their opponents in the middle of the endgame circle.

The opposing set of players immediately started dropping Shield Batteries and Pheonix Kits, suggesting they wanted to farm damage but Notoriousjello didn’t want to participate, complaining that it “feels like it’s cheating”.

It wasn’t long before Notoriousjello confessed that they just wanted to “beam them” and their entire squad decided to pick a target and wipe out the boosters.

Screaming “three, two, one, go”, Notoriousjello and their teammates instantly killed all of the boosters, serving up justice before they could secure the badges.

Boosting may not be as detrimental to Apex when compared to hacking or DDoSing, but it still devalues badges and the achievements of other players.

Hopefully, Respawn can implement a system that detects boosting in the future to prevent this from happening as frequently.

However, in the meantime, it’s great to see players like Notoriousjello taking justice into their own hands.