Apex Legends dev confirms Mirage buff coming in Season 5

Andy Williams

A Respawn Entertainment developer has hinted that everyone’s favorite Holographic Trickster will be getting a buff in Season 5, leaving Mirage mains eagerly anticipating what changes might come to their beloved Legend.

As Apex Legends moves into its fifth season, Loba is primed to shake up the meta with her translocating abilities and hunger for loot.

But while an entirely new Legend might be the focus of attention, it appears that Respawn aren’t planning on leaving existing ones behind in the dust.

Loba fighting Revenant in Apex Legends.
Loba’s entrance changes the landscape of Kings Canyon during her cinematic reveal trailer.

Mirage is the Apex Games resident trickster — with an array of holographic abilities under his belt, he provides an easy means of escape from the tightest of situations.

Yet despite being one of the stronger Legends on paper, Mirage has always struggled to make an impact against top-tier characters like Wraith, Pathfinder and Gibraltar.

So with that in mind, it looks like Respawn could be tweaking Mirage’s abilities as they strive to find the perfect balance between all characters heading into Season 5.

When prompted as to whether Mirage would be receiving a buff in the forthcoming Season 5 patch, Jason McCord (Design Director at Respawn) suggested that “Mirage fans should be happy” — hinting that a buff is in the pipeline.

What will the Mirage buff be?

While a buff has been rumored to be in the works for sometime, this all but confirms that Mirage mains can now get excited for Season 5.

In terms of what could be buffed, it would be logical to add the Fortified Passive Perk to Mirage’s utility, meaning that any incoming damage would be reduced by 15% when attempting to evade tetchy situations. Combining this with his Vanishing Act Ultimate would make it much more difficult for enemies to track down Mirage when attempting to bamboozle his foes.

Leaker ‘iLootGames’ previously claimed that: “Mirage is going to get the ability of the Emergency Dance Party. Whether that’s a Tactical ability or a replacement for his Ultimate, I don’t know, but that’s what I’ve been told will be part of his rework. It’s not just going to be a buff, it’s going to be a rework. We’ll find out in Season 5 is my hope.”

Fans were quick to plead for other Legends to be buffed on social media, with Octane, in particular, being mentioned on a few occasions.

Regardless, neither Mirage or Octane ability tweaks are set in stone as of yet, meaning that anything is up in there… Who knows, perhaps Gibraltar could be receiving yet another buff after all?