Apex Legends devs give another update on potential solos mode

Connor Bennett
Mirage in Apex Legends aiming gun at enemy

Respawn Entertainment have, again, shut down the idea of bringing a solo mode to Apex Legends despite the fact players are unrelenting in their quest to see it added.

When Apex Legends first launched, it was set up in a pretty unique way to other battle royales. Instead of offering solos, duos, trios, and quads, Respawn’s game only allowed you to play in teams of three before a duo mode followed. 

Naturally, players were hoping that they’d get a solos mode before long too, but that hasn’t been the case. Sure, there are workarounds like using the ‘no fill’ option in duos and trios, but a dedicated solos mode remains at the top of many request lists.

So, with Season 18 finally launching, it was one of the main things put to the devs. However, Respawn aren’t playing ball. 

Respawn shut down solos mode idea for Apex Legends again

Around the new season, the devs have been providing plenty of answers about the changes they’ve made to the battle royale – and that included a question-and-answer session with the game’s dedicated subreddit

Naturally, plenty of questions were asked about Revenant Reborn and the weapon meta, but that age-old question about a potential solos mode popped up too. 

According to the Redditors involved in the Q&A, Respawn said it’s “not planned” as a mode for the battle royale given that Apex is a team game, and they even shut down the idea of it being a part of the Mixtape rotation.

That answer will no doubt disappoint plenty of Apex players who have been desperate for a Solos mode for quite some time.

As noted, there are ways to play solo in duos and trios mode by using the no-fill option. Though, you’ll be outnumbered in most situations, so it’s hardly ideal.