Apex Legends fan creates “Bamboozled” song using Mirage voice lines

Joe O'Brien

Another Apex Legends fan has picked up the musical torch, this time using in-game voice lines from Mirage as the featured vocalist.

Most popular games will see fans express their own creativity through the game’s world and characters. Most commonly this takes the form of fan art, cosplay, or concept designs for new cosmetic or gameplay features.

Apex Legends, however, seems to have brought out its players’ musical side. Reddit user u/its_xaro93 might have started a trend by releasing “Mozambique ‘ere”, a song using Lifeline’s in-game voice lines for lyrics, re-imagining her under the stage name “Lil LL”.

Respawn EntertainmentApex Legends has quickly become one of the most popular games in the world, recently passing 50 million global players.

Taking inspiration from u/its_xaro93, Mik Toroi has expanded the Apex Legends discography with their own track, this time featuring Mirage in “Bamboozled”.

“Hey you jumped, you ran, you shot a thing maybe, but then you met me and, well, here we are,” Mirage begins, before launching into a verse of characteristic egotism.

Fans of these kinds of creations will be pleased to see their continued popularity with fans on the Apex Legends subreddit, which is likely to only encourage more Apex-inspired music.

Meanwhile, u/its_xaro93 has also come back with his own addition to the collection, this time a guitar-heavy track featuring Caustic titled “Everything Dies”.

If the likes of u/its_xaro93 and Mik Toroi continue to both make and inspire more Apex-themed music, it won’t be long before fans will be able to compile a full album of songs performed by the game’s characters.