Apex Legends leak allegedly reveals full list of upcoming characters

Matt Porter

A new Apex Legends leak claims to show a complete list of characters who will be added to the popular battle royale title over the coming months, according to data miner That1MiningGuy.

Since the game’s release in February 2019, Respawn Entertainment have used the additions of new characters to help keep the game fresh, with Wattson and Crypto both added to Apex Legends in Season 2 and 3 respectively.

The developers keep their cards close to their chest regarding who will be coming to the game, but an image supposedly leaked from a Respawn Entertainment facility shows a list of Legends who are being worked on ahead of release.

Respawn EntertainmentCrypto is the latest Legend added to the game.

The image tweeted by That1MiningGuy shows a sheet of paper, which allegedly covers a three month period between July and October, and divides the Legends into three categories — Production, Design Alpha, and Future Characters.

Included in Production are Crypto, who was released at the start of Season 3, Revenant who first appeared in the game’s files following the Iron Crown Collection event, and Loba, who has previously been called Rosie in the game’s files. The image states that the company are asking for feedback on “how to improve their existing abilities,” which points towards them being close to the finished article.

In Design Alpha, two characters named Valk and Rampart are mentioned, with the sheet stating that they are close to being “locked” and require “highest priority feedback,” while the final row is reserved for future characters, with Blisk and Downfall mentioned by name, with two others without names and no concept art for any, which indicates that they are early in the design process.

Upcoming characters in Apex Legends.
That1MiningGuy posted an image of upcoming Legends which allegedly surfaced from Respawn’s studio.

As with any leaks, there’s no guarantee that this information is accurate, and it’s unlikely that Respawn Entertainment will confirm the validity of the information.

The game’s next major event is scheduled to take place over Halloween with the ‘Fight or Fright event’, so it’s possible we may see a hint towards the next Legend release during the limited-time mode.