Apex Legends leak hints at new Survival game mode

Even though Apex Legends has only been out for less than two weeks, data miners have been hard at work uncovering all they can and the latest leak looks to be one of the biggest yet. 

Respawn Entertainment’s newest entrant to the battle royale genre has been making major waves throughout the gaming world ever since it released on February 4. 

A brand-new leak makes it clear that Respawn could be looking to expand their reach beyond the battle royale genre by introducing an all new Survival Mode. 

According to @RealApexLeaks, there are in-game files that point to the new Survival Mode, complete with spectators and commentators. 

  • Read More: Fortnite Battle Royale

    There’s no word on whether any of these emotes will ever appear in the normal battle royale game mode of Apex Legends. 

    GamingINTELThe crowds in the Survival Mode could be doing some Fortnite-like emotes.

    The Survival Mode won’t just have spectators, though, as the leak also details the existence of commentators that will analyze the action as it unfolds. 

    This is something we’ve seen in games like The Darwin Project, which gives Respawn a good guide on how to implement such a feature. 

    GamingINTELCommentators will also be present in the Survival Mode.

    The entire concept looks to bring a gladiatorial feel to Apex Legends, which fits perfectly given the appearance of Legend banners displaying stats that appear throughout the map in the game already. 

    As with any leak, though, there’s no telling whether it will actually show up in the game. This is especially true given that Apex Legends has plenty of leftover Titanfall code in its game files since the game started as a Titanfall sequal. 

    Be sure to follow us on Twitter @TitanFallBlog for all the latest Apex Legends news and updates!