Apex Legends Season 15 map teaser hints Octane & Seer are secretly besties

Brianna Reeves
apex legends octane seer

In the Season 15 map teaser, an Apex Legends player noticed a piece of art that suggests Octane and Seer were once friends.

Apex fans lucky enough to see Octane and Seer in action together know the two aren’t fond of one another.

Interestingly, they’ll take jabs at each other whenever time permits. And one voice line from their Season 10 interactions features Seer telling Octane, “you have not changed at all, Silva.”

Instances of this nature suggest the two Legends have a past, but what it involves presently remains a mystery. A bit of art in the Season 15 map teaser may offer some insight, though.

Octane and Seer are besties in this in-game Apex Legends art

While exploring the sneak peek of Apex Legends’ Season 15 locale, Redditor Bottlez1266 stumbled across an in-universe drawing.

The art appears to have been scribbled by a child on a sheet of paper, which depicts crudely drawn versions of Seer and Octane.

Instead of jumping down each other’s throats, though, the pair are shown smiling together. It even looks like Octane means to hand something to Seer. (As a few Reddit users noted, the item in question probably contains drugs.)

Drug-sharing or not, it’s interesting to see a depiction of the two rivals enjoying time together. The image implies Octane and Seer were once buddies, yet it remains to be seen if Apex Legends will explore this possibility in any real depth.

Season 15 will introduce players to more than a brand-new map. The next Apex Legends update additionally promises the advent of another playable Legend, Catalyst.

Players can expect the Season 15 content to begin rolling out on November 1.