Apex Legends player outlines “logical” change to improve audio significantly

Shay Robson
Apex Legends Gun Run Mode

Apex Legends players have outlined the perfect “logical” change to the developers that they think would improve audio significantly.

Audio bugs and technical issues have plagued Apex Legends for a while now, and we’ve seen time and time again a wave of new issues that arise with big patches.

Following on from the massive Season 15 update, once again, players have noted an influx of audio issues and have suggested to the Respawn devs a “logical” way to improve it significantly.

Apex Legends players suggest “logical” audio change

In a November 4 Reddit thread, Apex Legends fan almay9 hit out at the pressing audio problems, which have made the game much less enjoyable, before outlining a simple change that would eliminate most issues.

“My teammate’s footsteps sound like they’re on top of me at all times, enemies were a mile away sound like they’re also on top of me, yet teammates around the corner no more than 3 to 5 feet generally sound nonexistent,” the player wrote.

“Not to mention the text chat features don’t properly work on Xbox, the text shows up the next game instead of the moment you text it… Does that make any sense? Also, one of my teammates generally, can’t hear the rest of the team.

“All of these issues are nothing compared to the in-game audio issue around friendly footsteps,” they added. “With that being so significant, wouldn’t just eliminating them altogether (which feels like it should be quite easy on the Programming side) solve such a massive problem?”

Others in the thread added their thoughts, most of which agreed with the player. “It’s dumb that your teammates are always louder than the enemy. And it seems like they just keep adding more noise into all the environments that drown out enemy footsteps even more,” one added.

“Friendly footsteps used to sound different from enemy footsteps but since the audio update on the heals I’ve noticed they all sound the same,” said another.

Season 15 is set to be one of the longest seasons yet in Apex Legends. However, the devs have hinted that the next Season could be the biggest yet, stating that “It’ll be worth it at the end of the rainbow.” Hopefully, we’ll see some major improvements to the game’s audio before then, though it’s rather unlikely.