Apex Legends players baffled after discovering bullets ricochet

John Esposito
Apex Legends players baffled after discovering bullets ricochet

An Apex Legends player discovers bullets ricochet while in the Firing Range, leaving them and others baffled by the discovery.

Since its release in 2019, Apex Legends has been full of unique easter eggs and neat discoveries to uncover. Conduit’s launch earlier this season perfectly captures that sentiment, as the Legend is full of unique and charming character-select quips.

That said, there’s most likely a world full of discoveries to experience as more players load in, push Apex Legends to its limits, or do something never done before.

The latest discovery is an odd one, as one player uncovered bullets can ricochet.

Apex Legends player discovers bullet ricochet

In a short video shared to the game’s Reddit, user YourTastyMelon discovered bullets ricochet off teammates.

While it may not seem like a crazy occurrence, the standard interaction in Apex Legends is bullets will hit teammates and make a shield noise upon contact. Yet YourTastyMelon proved that to be somewhat incorrect, as their shots ricocheted off their teammate and into the walls of the Firing Range.

This discovery led viewers to put their brains together to determine an explanation for this phenomenon or even wonder if damage could be done to someone.

“Please have a 3rd friend join you and have them stand where the bullets go. Curious to know if it will deal damage but I for some reason doubt it,” one viewer replied.

However, another responded: “My guess is the tracer effect itself has some ricochet code to it to make the effect look more natural, but the actual damage projectile probably doesn’t.”

Perhaps it is just a visual experience to make the game seem more realistic. That said, the bullets do land on the wall realistically so maybe it’s more than a visual.