Apex Legends players speculate Storm Point will be ‘blown apart’ in Season 18

Philip Trahan
Apex Legends Storm Point

Apex Legends players are speculating that the Storm Point map is going to be blown apart by severe weather in Season 18 thanks to clues scattered around the map.

Apex Legends fans know that almost every new season brings changes to some of the returning battle royale maps. For example, Olympus received some major map changes in Season 12 while Kings Canyon received similar treatment in Season 14.

While the Storm Point map didn’t receive an overhaul to the same degree, it did see some tweaks and changes in Season 13, with new POIs and the addition of IMC armories.

However, it seems Storm Point may just be the next map to get an overhaul if clues spotted around the map by eagle-eyed players are any indication.

Apex Legends players spot Storm Point map change clues

Content creator and Apex Legends fan, Grrted posted screenshots on Twitter of these map teasers for the community. The first screenshot came on July 27, 2023, and showed some seriously bad weather off the coast of the Fish Farms POI.

The image showed a terrifying mass of tornadoes tearing through an island across the ocean, with some seriously gnarly-looking clouds overhead.

Players in the replies began speculating what the new iteration of the tropical map would look like, with some hoping the storm would decrease the overall size. “Boom half the map flooded and destroyed and they make it smaller and less boring.”

Many fans are often frustrated by the slower pace of matches that take place on Storm Point thanks to its larger overall size and the fact that it only contains one Jump Tower.

Another fan hoped prominent weather effects would be added to spice up gameplay. “If Storm Point would be something like Hard Rain from Left 4 Dead 2, then it’s gonna be interesting.”

While it remains to be seen just what this massive storm has in store for Storm Point, it’s clear the map is in for a boatload of bad weather in the near future.