Craziest Apex Legends hack ever gives cheater super speed

Matt Porter

Winning a match on Apex Legends can be tough at the best of times, but when another player is cheating it becomes virtually impossible, as some fans of the battle royale game found out while playing on World’s Edge.

Apex Legends is one of many battle royale games that have taken over the world of gaming, launching back in 2019 to immediate success, with hundreds of thousands of players logging on in hopes of outlasting their opponents and securing a victory, and becoming an Apex Champion.

As with any PC game though, hackers are always trying to find ways to give themselves an unfair advantage over opponents and make things easier, as Reddit user ‘KralRindo’ found out the hard way while playing the game on March 3.

Octane kicks Mirage in Apex Legends
Octane is Apex Legends’ resident speedster, but one hacker took things to a new level.

Like any battle royale, movement around the map is key as you try to find enemies to eliminate and make sure you don’t get taken down by the circle, which shrinks the available play area to encourage late-game battles to find who will truly be the last team standing.

One Apex Legends cheater has taken the idea of movement to a crazy new level, zooming around World’s Edge at breakneck speeds never before seen in the game, but of course, using a cheat to make it happen.

In a clip uploaded to the Apex Legends subreddit, user KralLindo was stunned to watch a player run across the map at lightning speed, crossing areas in seconds that would take most players minutes. On top of that, the hack also provided auto-aiming which immediately locked his crosshairs onto an enemy, the ability to heal in incredibly quick time, and even a way to clip through solid objects, while also seeing every enemy’s location.

Unsurprisingly, the player who uploaded it called on developers Respawn Entertainment to “please do something” about the cheaters, saying he was “not having any fun while playing this game” in its current state.

The good news is that the developers are well-known for stamping down on cheaters and hackers, with Respawn handing out waves of bans to those who have been purposely exploiting the game. They have yet to address this particular issue, but it’s likely they will in the near future.