EA confirm when Apex Legends Season 2 will be revealed

Eli Becht

EA announced fans will be able to look forward to the reveal of Apex Legends Season 2 during E3 2019.

If you’re a player that has grown tired with Season 1 of Apex Legends, you can look forward to the debut of Season 2, which will be shown off in June during EA’s E3 2019 press conference, according to EA’s earning call, as reported by IGN.

Season 1 was met with a lot of excitement that quickly turned into disappointment across the player base as many deemed the Battle Pass was lackluster and there wasn’t enough to keep playing for after it was completed.

Respawn promised to fix this going forward and we’ll be able to get our first look at these changes once the Season 2 Battle Pass is unveiled.

Respawn EntertainmentSeason 2 information will be shared at E3 2019.

When is EA’s conference at E3 2019?

Fans will be able to tune into EA Play on June 7 to receive all the information about Apex Legends and other EA published and developed titles.

Apex Legends was a surprise hit for the publisher after it launched with no marketing outside of having a variety of streamers play it on day one.

Respawn EntertainmentApex Legends has a lot riding on Season 2.

What can we expect with Season 2?

Respawn promised to improve on the Season 1 Battle Pass with better content and possibly a map change, according to a blog post.

For Season 2 you can expect a Battle Pass with more meaningful content, the introduction of a new Legend, the debut of a new weapon . . . and you didn’t expect King’s Canyon to stay the same forever, did you?

New Legends are pretty much a certainty as well and there’s a lot out there on a Legend named Wattson, someone who currently isn’t in the game. However, shroud warns fans to not get their hopes up too much.

For more concrete information, fans will have to wait until E3.