Game-breaking Apex Legends Bangalore skin glitch is finally being fixed

Andrew Amos

Want to finally use the flashy new Bangalore Mil-Spec skin in Apex Legends? Respawn have finally fixed the game-breaking glitch associated with the cosmetic, and it should be available to equip within days.

Bangalore got a new Legendary skin during Apex Legends Season 11 called Mil-Spec to celebrate her Stories from the Outlands cinematic.

However, much like her brother, it went missing in action pretty quickly. The skin was taken down quickly after it launched when players discovered the new cosmetic was breaking games. Simply hovering over Bangalore in the Legend Select screen when booting into a game would crash players’ games.

With the cosmetic being unavailable for over a week, and players getting antsy over the money they spent on it, Respawn have finally organized a fix ⁠— and it’s coming soon.

Bangalore Mil-Spec skin Apex legends
Bangalore’s Mil-Spec skin was almost instantly disabled in Apex Legends.

“I believe the patch to correct the issue with this skin should roll out at some point tomorrow, barring any unforeseen issues there,” EA Community Manager ‘Mako’ said on January 12.

If the timeline holds up, Bangalore’s Mil-Spec skin should be available again in Apex Legends starting January 13, or at the very least by this weekend ahead.

You can still purchase the skin in anticipation of it being re-added back into the game ⁠— it will leave the in-game shop on January 19, 2022.

However, for those holding out for the Sentinel and Rampage to be added back, there’s been no news on that front. The weapons have been disabled for over a week now, and with ALGS Playoffs on the horizon, Respawn will be hurriedly working towards a fix for the infinite charge exploit.