Genius Apex Legends Titans transport idea would be perfect for Season 14

Joe Craven
Titan and Apex Legends logo on Storm Point background

Creative Apex Legends players have proposed a unique way to integrate Titanfall’s eponymous Titans, creating a new movement mechanic to explore all of the battle royale’s environments.

The inspiration Apex Legends has taken from the preceding Titanfall series has led to many fans of EA’s futuristic shooter making their way over to the battle royale.

We’ve seen weapons, equipment, and more from Titanfall added to Apex Legends but, as of Season 13, there have been no Titans integrated. The large mech-style robots are a crucial element to the Titanfall universe, but much discussion has surrounded how they could ever fit into the world of the Apex Games.

Now, one player has shared a creative solution.

Apex Legends share plenty with Titanfall.

In a June 11 Reddit post, player ‘KankaOne‘ proposed using the Titans as movement-based objects that players could visit and be thrown in the direction they are facing.

As a result, they would be comparable to Gravity Cannons, Tridents, and Jump Towers, allowing players to traverse the map rapidly and reposition effectively.

They said: “Would love to see Titans on the map which yeet you in the direction you are aiming. An alternative way to travel next to Jump Towers, Gravity Cannons and Tridents.”

Plenty echoed the suggestion, with one adding that apt voice lines could accompany the Titan actions, like “brace for impact”.

At the time of writing, the suggestion has over 4,300 upvotes, suggesting a significant number of players think it’s a valid and creative suggestion.

Respawn have frequently expressed their commitment to include community ideas if and when they are appropriate.

They’re yet to fully comment on whether Titans will be added to Apex Legends but, if they come, we can’t think of many better ideas than this.