HisWattson not worried about Apex Legends’ future despite pros’ Ranked concerns

Connor Bennett
HisWattson Wraith Apex Legends

Apex Legends pro Jacob ‘HisWattson’ McMillin believes the battle royale will be relevant for at least another two years amid fears players could walk away if Season 18 is bad. 

Over the last few seasons of Apex Legends, many players – both professional and causal – have been quick to doom the future of the battle royale, suggesting that it doesn’t have much longer left in its lifecycle. 

Respawn’s battle royale has continued to chug along. Though, there has been a drop off in the player count – at least on PC, anyway – over the last few seasons, with many complaining about a serious content drought. 

TSM’s ImperialHal recently suggested that Apex cannot survive another bad season, hoping that Season 18 “surely” would be the one to turn the battle royale’s fortunes around. 

HisWattson believes Apex Legends will be “relevant” for years

Well, Furia pro HisWattson isn’t too sure about the doomsayers and believes the game has a fair bit left in the tank. It was something that came up during a recent stream, as he touched on the wider point of Respawn ignoring pros over Ranked play changes. 

“Apex will be relevant for at least two years, and a lot longer if it ran well. Even if it ran like a steaming pile of garbage, two years,” the Furia star said, noting that Respawn has lost a number of devs who initially created the game and that ideas could change.

Though, he noted that it’s hardly likely that newer devs are going to take away the core mechanics that make Apex what it is.

HisWattson also pointed to the split between players over how Ranked how should work, noting that high-level players and pros want it to be as competitive as possible.

“What the pro players want is a competitive Ranked system, Season 13, we got it and that’s what we like. Apex does not care about their game being competitive. They want to hold as many people as possible, that’s their goal,” he said. 

“Nothing wrong with that, totally fine. What is the most competitive is not necessarily what will hold the most amount of people for them so there’s no point in arguing with them about Ranked because what we want and what they want is totally different.”

Respawn have already said that they are reluctant to revert to older systems but they are considering changes to Ranked.