Shroud says Apex Legends is “ruined” until new sliding ‘bug’ is fixed

Calum Patterson

Top Twitch streamer Michael ‘shroud‘ Grzesiek has ruled out a return to playing Apex Legends – at least until a major bug with weapon accuracy is resolved.

The former CS:GO professional is regarded as one of the finest aimers with a keyboard and mouse on all of Twitch, with the first person shooter genre his stomping ground. 

Apex Legends was right up his alley upon its launch, with a fast and fluid movement system, predictive weapon recoil just like Counter-Strike (which shroud says he actually suggested to the devs) and the classic battle royale gameplay that his channel is known for.

There’s a new “bug” in Apex Legends – but is it intentional?

However, after a month or so of almost non-stop Apex Legends, shroud appeared to fall out of love with Respawn’s battle royale, and his hours streaming the game dwindled rapidly.

This paralleled with a drop in the game’s overall ‘hype’ levels too, with a lack of new content blamed for a declining player base and even faster declining revenue from in-game purchases.

Following the big Legendary Hunt update on June 4, some viewers pleaded with shroud to give the game another chance, but he wasn’t convinced. “Whenever they fix the bug, yeh, I’ll play it,” he said. “I am not playing it during that bug. Literally the whole game is ruined.”

Exactly what bug is shroud referring to? Well, it appears that following the June 4 update, Respawn have, perhaps unintentionally, added a severe accuracy penalty for shooting while sliding.

As shown by shroud’s housemate and former CS:GO teammate Tyler ‘skadoodle‘ Latham, when players shoot when sliding the bullets appear to bloom randomly, where they were previously completely accurate.

Shroud clarified that this was in fact the ‘bug’ he was referring to, explaining “Literally shoot your gun while sliding, and that’s the bug.

“I would say half of Apex is sliding and shooting, so… yeah.”

What is concerning, however, is that Respawn have not actually confirmed whether or not this accuracy penalty when sliding is a bug or intentional.

The penalty appears to exist across all weapon types, and so surely has to have been coded, quite deliberately into the game. It may require feedback from the community if Respawn are to implement a change, and revert to the pre-patch state.