This Apex Legends fan predicted Ash’s Season 11 arrival two years ago

Connor Knudsen

Apex Legends’ upcoming character, Ash, was predicted to arrive two years ago by one fan of the franchise to everyone’s surprise.

The Apex Legends roster continues to grow year by year with Ash set to join the roster in Season 11.

The character’s roots run deep in Titanfall 2, which the legends’ trailer beautifully showed off, and makes her an instant fan-favorite among players.

Fan predicts Ash coming to Apex Legends

Reddit user OhmyGhaul somehow made the prediction two years ago that Ash would eventually become a legend in Apex.

“I’d love to see Ash become a Legend,” they said at the time. “She was one of my favorite characters from T2, and her story could be expanded in Apex… What abilities do you think she’s have?”

Whether this was just wishful thinking or a true soothsayer moment isn’t for us to say but the foresight is impressive after two years and a host of other legends added to the game.

When is Ash coming to Apex Legends?

Ash Apex Legends Season 11
Apex Legends Season 11 will include the new Tropics map as well as the fan-predicted new legend.

With a trailer released and the details of Season 11: Escape confirmed, fans can expect to play as Ash on November 2.

We don’t know much yet about Ash’s abilities, however, Escape is just a few short weeks away. Players will know soon enough just what kind of a punch the Simulacrum will pack and how she’ll stack up with the other Legends.

Season 11 looks to bring much more than just Ash. A new Tropic Island map looks like true paradise and may even be brighter and more colorful than the others we’ve seen thus far.

Be sure to stay tuned for more Apex Legends content on our dedicated page and get ready for Escape, Ash, and the new map!