Baldur’s Gate 3 book proves Mind Flayers can be bested by the “power of friendship”

Philip Trahan
Baldur's Gate 3 Mindflayer

One Baldur’s Gate 3 player found a book that proved that Mind Flayers can defeated by “the power of friendship” in Larian’s in-depth RPG.

Anyone who’s played Baldur’s Gate 3 knows that the Mind Flayers are the central threat that encompasses the player character and their party.

The main setpiece of the prologue and the driving force of the game’s narrative is to remove the Mind Flayer tadpole from each party member’s head, as the threat will supposedly overtake the host and turn them into a Mind Flayer in due time.

With this all-powerful threat looming over the party, some fans may be surprised to hear the strongest course of action against a Mind Flayer is a great group of friends, according to one in-game piece of lore.

Baldur’s Gate 3 claim devs got meta with Mind Flayer book

A post on the Baldur’s Gate 3 subreddit titled, “Devs got very meta with this book,” shared a screenshot of one of the many in-game lore books.

This particular book, called “On Psionic Manipulations and Countermeasures,” goes into a “thorough account of how best to protect your mind from illithid (or Mind Flayer) manipulation.”

According to the book, one of the best countermeasures one can take against a Mind Flayer, aside from outright avoiding one altogether, is to “strengthen your relationship with others.”

Fans were amused by the in-game tip, with many likening the phrase to popular tropes in media. “Did they really just f*cking tell us that you can beat Mind Flayers with the power of friendship?” asked one player.

Another fan replied and noted that, in the instance of Baldur’s Gate 3 and the powerful companions players can recruit, it doesn’t sound so cliched. “When those friends can murder anything into submission, I do believe the power of friendship is called for.”

Others noted that the description was indeed quite meta “I know everyone’s focusing on the ‘don’t trust a mind flayer’ part, but I love the ‘you need strong allies’ part because it’s basically the devs describing the way you should play the game.”

While Mind Flayers are no doubt a daunting threat throughout BG3, this book just hammers home how a little help from good friends can go quite a long way.