Baldur’s Gate 3 players have finally worked out the inscription on Karlach’s horn

Jessica Filby
Screenshot of Karlach in Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 players have only just discovered what Karlach’s horn inscription really says, with fans using key translating and detective skills.

If there’s one thing Baldur’s Gate 3 is good at it’s the attention to detail. Larian has embedded so many easter eggs, classic characters, and even memorable items into the game, meaning practically everything you read, interact with, or see has a purpose.

This is entirely the case with the companions. After all, there’s no way Larian just added features to the characters for the sake of it, everything feels so meticulous and important. That being said, the devs have often placed in some hilarious Runes for players to put on their characters, so there’s always an element of comedy there.

Karlach’s horn inscription finally revealed

Posting onto Reddit, one user attempted to trick the community into thinking that Karlach’s horn inscription was equally as jokey.

“I finally figured out what is written on Karlach’s horn…” they began, revealing that it says: “We have been trying to reach you about your Infernal engine’s extended warranty.”

Naturally, this was a joke, and the inscription actually reads “My champion, the Demonsbane. My blood is her strength!”

Despite the poster revealing what it actually says in the comments, many fell for this joke, highlighting how “Damn it, I wanted to believe it was writing about her infernal engine’s extended warranty.”

Others joked that the inscription is “written on the horn so she can’t read it. Truly demonic.” Although it’s unlikely she’ll want to be reminded of her past with Zariel, she’s already been through so much.

Despite the joke, the attention to detail by Larian is truly impressive, and the translation efforts by players are equally outstanding. At least it doesn’t just say horn over and over again like those runes.