ACHES reveals he was briefly part of OpTic Gaming on Eavesdrop Podcast

Matt Porter

Two-time Call of Duty World Champion Patrick ‘ACHES’ Price is known as OpTic Gaming‘s kryptonite, but has revealed that he was briefly a member of the organization, back in 2014.

To many, ACHES is the ultimate villain to OpTic, regularly knocking the popular organization out of the yearly World Championship, as shown in 2015 as part of Cloud9 and again in 2018 as a member of Evil Geniuses. ACHES is four for four in matches against OpTic at World Championships.

Despite their storied history, Price appeared on the March 12 edition of Hector ‘H3CZ’ Rodriquez’s Eavesdrop Podcast, and gave fans of both himself and the legendary organization a snippet of some little-known trivia.

Eric Ananmalay / ESPAT MediaACHES won the 2018 Call of Duty World Championship.

During the podcast, Rodriquez discussed the break of the original Evil Geniuses Call of Duty roster featuring Damon ‘Karma’ Barlow, Ian ‘Crimsix’ Porter and Tyler ‘TeeP’ Polchow, largely credited as being one of the greatest teams in Call of Duty history.

All three of Price’s teammates ended up representing OpTic, either on the organization’s main roster or on OpTic Nation, however ACHES moved on to FaZe Clan. During that time though, Price revealed he was actually part of OpTic Gaming for an extremely brief moment after their contracts at EG were purchased by the organization.

“It was supposed to be me, Crim, TeeP and FormaL on EG,” ACHES said. “In the end, you guys purchased all the contracts, actually, which is something I don’t think a lot of people know. You paid for all four of us, but obviously I got pushed out after that.”

Topic starts at 44:52 for mobile users.

Of course, ACHES never made an appearance in the green of OpTic Gaming, and actually beat OpTic Gaming in the finals of the first Advanced Warfare tournament just a few months later.

It seems unlikely that Price will ever find himself on OpTic, with Rodriquez stating that even though he’s a great person and player, the rivalry is too important between the organization and ACHES, a sentiment the pro player agrees with.

Disclaimer: Hector ‘H3CZ’ Rodriguez is a minority shareholder in Dexerto Ltd.