Black Ops 4: How to get a free Pack-a-Punch weapon on IX Zombies

Learn how to get a Pack-a-Punched weapon in the early rounds of IX in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4.

Pack-a-Punch weapons are essential for reaching the higher rounds of Zombies in Black Ops 4, but they can be difficult to acquire for players who are just starting out in Zombies.

Fortunately, the IX Zombies map features a secret trick that will give you a Pack-a-Punch weapon as early as round 3 and it does not require the Pack-a-Punch machine!

To get a free Pack-a-Punch weapon on IX, you will need to unlock your banner. The banner can be unlocked by walking over to the rolled up banners immediately to the left of your spawn.

If you melee the rope holding the banner shut, it will unroll and give you a challenge.

The banner located to the left of your spawn area.

The challenges are random, but are not particularly difficult. Some examples of challenges are kill zombies with grenades, use your specialist weapon on zombies or get a certain amount of melee kills.

The challenge will be visible in the top left of your screen. Once you complete your first challenge, go to the altar in the middle of the arena and you will be given an extra life.

A second challenge will activate and completing it will give you a bonus credits, which you may need to get to other areas of the map.

Finally, a third challenge will activate and this is how you will get your free Pack-a-Punch weapon!

Simply complete the third challenge and head back to the middle of the arena, a Pack-a-Punched Strife will be waiting for you.

The upgraded Strife will gain full auto and a bonus in damage that will be a perfect backup weapon for the higher rounds.

As a bonus, if you continue to complete all of the challenges in your banner, you will receive an additional Pack-a-Punch weapon.

Zombie YouTuber GregFPS demonstrates the free Pack-a-Punch weapon in IX process below.