Black Ops Cold War pros discover ‘secret’ movement changes in Feb 4 patch

Jacob Hale

Black Ops Cold War players believe that movement has been changed in the February 4 patch, despite no mention of it in the patch notes.

The Feb 4 patch introduced a number of changes and new features to BOCW, including the return of Black Ops 2 map Express.

A number of bugs were fixed in the process, and it was also revealed that League Play would be arriving on February 8, giving competitive players something new to grind out and play against other top opposition.

One change that players didn’t expect, though, was differences in movement, and it’s not something that was mentioned at all in the patch notes either.

Some of the Call of Duty League pros were discussing the issue on Twitter, with Dallas Empire’s Indervir ‘iLLeY’ Dhaliwal explaining that “every time you jump you get stuck in mud,” suggesting that movement after jumping was seriously slowed down.

black ops cold war movement change tweets illey slasher
iLLeY believes sliding feels faster and that jumping leaves you “stuck in mud.”

He also added that sliding “feels faster” in the new update, so you should probably expect to see more players sliding round corners at you than jumping now.

This news has done the rounds and players have been testing it out, with former Florida Mutineers pro Chance ‘Maux’ Moncivaez realizing the change had taken place during his livestream shortly after the patch.

While no thorough testing will have taken place yet, it’s clear that players feel something is definitely off with this patch. What isn’t clear, however, is whether this was an intentional change made by Treyarch or an accident that slipped through the net.

This does mean that movements like ‘bunny-hopping’ are going to be much less common now, so it will be interesting to see how much this impacts gameplay on both a competitive and casual level.

With the first Home Series of the 2021 CDL season taking place on February 11-14, there’s not long left for players to either get used to the changes, or if Treyarch will revert it back to how it was.