Clayster reveals cheeky reason why Crimsix changed name to C6

Theo Salaun

Ian ‘Crimsix’ Porter changed his gamer tag for the inaugural Call of Duty League season and, now, his former Dallas Empire teammate, James ‘Clayster’ Eubanks has revealed the stealthy reasoning behind the change.

When Crimsix isn’t exploring the night with a pair of $22,000 night vision goggles, he is racking the deepest wrinkles of his brain for ways to outmaneuver and outdo the competition. Back in 2019, the Call of Duty legend apparently came up with one such way to stealthily finesse his opponents: by changing his name.

Crimsix has been competing in professional Call of Duty since 2008, under the tags of Crimsix and ECLIPSE. But ahead of the first CDL season with his new Empire roster, Porter made a surprising decision and changed his tag from ‘Crimsix’ to a succinct ‘C6.’

Some thought it was because the multi-time CoD champion wanted to distance himself from an OpTic Gaming team whose ending was as dramatic as its dynasty was dominant. Others may have thought his 27-year-old thumbs simply wanted to lessen the amount of typing required for his name.

But the truth has been revealed: Crimsix wanted to gain a competitive edge by making his name harder for enemies to see.

clayster crimsix name change
Clayster explaining the C6 name change on Reddit.

While Clayster and the Empire were obviously reluctant to give up any strategies during their championship run, the season is over and the team is somewhat disbanded, so circumstances have changed. Now, the truth, like a turtle’s head from its shell, has come out.

As Clayster explained on Reddit, Crimsix’s decision was no sentimental fluke, but a stealthy tactic: “Porter specifically made his name ‘C6’ so it was smaller his red name tag was harder to see through smoke, bushes, etc.”

As for Crim’s response, he has remained somewhat vague, but referenced the size of his head — which apparently houses a sizable cranium.

Look, it’s 2020 and the central tenet of the internet, especially this year, is that you can’t believe everything you read. Maybe this was simply an aesthetic decision by Crimsix, but one has to remember that this is a guy who celebrated being the first console esports player to earn $1 million by buying night vision goggles.

The man lives and breathes stealth, and we all know that he is equally nourished by CoD success. As such, it would be no surprise if some added in-game sneakiness would prompt him to shorten his iconic gamer tag.