CouRage kills an unlikely duo in Dr DisRespect’s Code Red Blackout Tournament

In Dr DisRespect’s Code Red Blackout tournament on October 18th, CouRage and Teepee were losing in the final match against the Doc and Shroud when CouRage picked up a couple kills on an unlikely duo.

For those that didn’t watch the tournament, the scoring was similar to KEEMSTAR’s old Friday Fortnite competitions.

The two competing duos joined as a squad and dropped in different places with the goal being to pick up more kills on an unsuspecting lobby than their opponents.

Typically these kills were on random people, but, in the final match, CouRage took down a duo who turned out to be OWL casters Reinforce and Uber, which led Jack to let loose some good-natured trash talk.

“CoD casters greater than bitch HAHA,” he said jokingly. Like Conor McGregor trying to box Floyd Mayweather, the Overwatch casters were out of their element.

Those kills weren’t enough to make up for Shroud’s dominant performance and he carried the Doc to a win in his own tournament by racking up 20 of the team’s 23 kills in the final match. The OpTic duo finished with 13.

For their efforts, Shroud and the Doc earned $12,000 while CouRage and Teepee took home $5,000 and the third place duo of TSMViss and Halifax left with $3,000.