Dr Disrespect says he knows how to save Warzone but warns it’ll be “big investment”

Isaac McIntyre
Dr Disrespect has a big plan to save Warzone.

Dr Disrespect is convinced he knows how to save Warzone, but warns Activision it’s going to require a “big investment” on their end if they want to get it right ⁠— the YouTuber claims the only way the Call of Duty battle royale survives is if they hit the reset button technically.

The Doc has weighed in on Warzone’s future again, but this time he has ambitions to “save” the battle royale he is convinced is dying a slow death.

It’s no secret Dr Disrespect has heavy opinions on Warzone, either way. He may roast it at times, (and even threatens to quit regularly) but the two-time’s love for the game is clear too; he has run $20k events, and demands devs Raven Software make changes so he can continue grinding the battle royale.

On any given day, he could explode, or praise the game.

This time, the YouTube star laid all his cards on the table in a September stream; he is convinced desperately Warzone needs “new tech” to fix it at the roots.

Dr Disrespect
Dr Disrespect is convinced Warzone needs a total engine rebuild to save it from dying out.

“This game feels so unorganic [sic]. It kills immersion,” he claimed.

“It’s so f**king corny man. It’s getting stupid. Unless they do something big, something focused on their servers, with the design… unless this game does something big technically, makes a huge investment, then it’s in big trouble.

The Doc has a game plan for ‘saving’ the game from those issues, however; a total refresh, swapping the game engine out, and doubling down on server health.

Warzone Season 6 weapons
Dr Disrespect’s concerns revolve around immerse in Verdansk, and how Warzone issues kill that feeling.

“Activision has to make a big investment, really,” he explained.

“There’s so many issues right now, so many things that take you out of the game. I think what needs to happen is that they have to build around the new tech, focus on doing that. It’s important to increase networking, servers, especially the engine, and how it all interacts.

The question is, how do we make this world [shows Verdansk], how can you make traveling in this, discovery, surviving in this, the feeling of just being in this world as immersive as possible?

“I’m not a programmer,” he admitted, “but that’s what needs to be looked at. The core of the game, how it feels to play. Valorant did that well, Warzone can too.”

Dr DIsrespect playing Warzone
The YouTuber claims Activision must make a “big investment” in Warzone’s health.

⁠This isn’t the first time Dr Disrespect has called for developers Raven Software and Activision to go back to the battle royale’s development roots either.

In late May, around the time of Warzone’s famous nuke event, he claimed everything going wrong with the title was due to its “limiting engine,” which had been throttling the huge game from the very beginning, “way back in season one, season two, three”.

The only solution the two-time could see was a “total rebuild.”

The Doc pointed to arch-rivals like Apex Legends (run on Valve’s iconic Source engine) as well as PUBG and Fortnite (both built on the now-23-year-old Unreal Engine) as high watermarks for battle royales Raven Software should “emulate” if they want to stay at the top.

“Other engines out there, they make the whole process ⁠— matches, live events, lobbies ⁠— easier, more streamlined. They [Activision] need to address this.”