Enable explains why OpTic Chicago CDL loss was good for Atlanta FaZe

Jacob Hale

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OpTic Chicago finally got one over on their Atlanta FaZe rivals at the Minnesota Home Series, but the Reverse Sweep crew have argued that this might actually help FaZe more than it hinders them.

OpTic won the series 3-2, a five-game thriller that went all the way to a Round 11 on Standoff Search & Destroy, with Dylan ‘Envoy’ Hannon earning himself a Team of the Week MVP accolade.

Obviously, there are a multitude of factors that go into this. OpTic had their moments and looked brilliant, but FaZe were also playing on some of their weaker maps, attempting to expand their already-huge map pool ahead of the year’s biggest events.

But will this actually help FaZe in the long run? Reverse Sweep hosts Katie Bedford, Ian ‘Enable’ Wyatt, and Jonathan ‘Pacman’ Tucker believe so.

envoy optic chicago
OpTic Chicago could be peaking at the perfect time.

Katie first raised the question of whether it works out well for the Atlanta side, noting that one problem with winning all the time is the ability to become complacent.

Enable, well aware of what it takes to win and having represented both teams at some point throughout his career, agreed wholeheartedly.

“When you’re as dominant as FaZe, it can get a little unrealistic at points,” he explains. “You’re never really experiencing a low. Sometimes you have to get punched in the face, be brought back to reality, and be aware that while you are so good, you can lose. So you need to focus up, especially right now.”

Enable compared it to the 2020 season, where they “looked so great but then lost at Champs to Empire,” which is no doubt something that Atlanta FaZe fans will be concerned about.

Taking a different viewpoint, Pacman actually says the biggest loser from this is Toronto Ultra. With Atlanta as dominant as they are, Dallas looking like a force again and now OpTic overcoming their biggest hurdle, the Ultra might have yet another team looking to take their spot among the top two teams.

With Champs less than a month away at the time of writing, this time of the year is crucial for teams wanting to put their best foot forward — and OpTic might be finding their best form at the perfect time.