Updated Results: Everything you need to know about Dr DisRespect’s Code Red Blackout $20K tournament

Dr DisRespect is the face of this Blackout tournament featuring many of the most popular streamers and personalities.

The final match came down to Doc and Shroud vs. Teepee and CouRage. The Green Wall duo was coming from the loser finals so they had to beat the Doc and Shroud twice to bring home the title. 

Shroud went off to secure the win for him and Doc. The pair first met up in the winners’ final where Shroud racked up 11 kills over two games to push them into the Code Red finals while sending CouRage and TeePee into the losers’ bracket. 

After the OpTic pair battled back into the grand final, Shroud stepped it up further. After all the other players were eliminated fairly early in game one, he went to work and ended up with 14 kills while their opponents only had three kills from Teepee. On the back of that performance the final score was Doc/Shroud: 23, CouRage/Teepee: 13.

Doc and Shroud will earn $12,000 for the win with CouRage and Teepee taking home $5,000. TSM Viss and Halifax came in third and will receive $3,000.

Here’s a clip of Shroud going off in his 14 kill game:

16 duos will have the chance to compete for $20,000 in prizes at the event.

The competitive format will be similar to KEEMSTAR’s old Friday Fortnite events with each duo joining the same squad and then trying to get the most kills. 

In the prelim portion of the event, the duos will not be going head-to-head. Each squad will drop four times and the duos that finish in the top eight in kills will be seeded and move on to the double-eliminated tournament. 

Duos that drop in the same squad will both be able to advance to the bracket portion if they finish in the top eight in kills.

In the double-elimination tournament, it will become a traditional bracket with duos trying to get the most kills over two games to move on.

Some of the more notable duos are Dr DisRespect and Shroud, OpTic’s H3CZ and Karma, Summit1G and JoshOG, Destiny and Mr. Mouton, CouRage and Teepee, and Nadeshot, who is just listed by himself on the official scoreboard.

To see all the participating duos and the full scoring system, visit the tournament page on  Boom.tv/CodeRed.

This tournament comes with an anti-sabotage rule that prevents duos from messing with their opponents in game, including not damaging any vehicles, not throwing stun or flash grenades near them or using any equipment to interfere with your opponent.

This tournament is a follow up to Dr DisRespect’s previous PUBG tournaments by the same name.

Additional Streams

Watch live video from Karma on www.twitch.tv
Watch live video from Nadeshot on www.twitch.tv
Watch live video from shroud on www.twitch.tv
Watch live video from CouRageJD on www.twitch.tv
Watch live video from JoshOG on www.twitch.tv
Watch live video from TSM_Viss on www.twitch.tv