FaZe Clan’s Replays Picks Up Insane 1 vs 3 Clutch Against compLexity at CoD Champs 2018

Ross Deason

FaZe Clan’s Jams ‘Replays’ Crowder opened up his Call of Duty World Championships 2018 campaign with yet another incredible clutch in Search and Destroy.

FaZe Clan’s first match against Doug ‘Censor’ Martin’s compLexity Gaming was a tough one but the CWL Pro League Stage 1 champions clutched up on map one, London Docks Hardpoint, to take the series lead.

Next up was Sainte Marie du Mont Search and Destroy and it took Replays just four rounds to produce one of his incredible clutches that he has trademarked throughout the Call of Duty: WWII season.

The FaZe Clan team captain was in a seemingly unwinnable one versus three situation but managed to produce the goods to pick up the first two kills, plant the bomb with milliseconds remaining and then close things out with a quick snap on Richard ‘Ricky’ Stacy.

FaZe would go on to win the map 6-4 with Replays leading the way and producing an incredible 15-4 game for the 2-0 series lead.

compLexity managed to bounce back with a win on London Docks Capture the Flag but FaZe once again proved too hot to handle in the second Hardpoint game on Valkyrie, taking the series 3-1 and getting their CoD Champs 2018 campaign off to a near perfect start.

Replays has been producing clutch plays all year long and was one of the key factors in their CWL Pro League Stage 1 Finals win over OpTic Gaming.

If he can continue his current form against Morituri and Enigma6 in Thursday’s Group E matches, FaZe Clan should be a shoe-in for a playoff spot at the $1.5 million tournament.