FaZe Simp reveals “best” Automaton loadout in CoD Vanguard: Assault Rifle setup

Brad Norton
Simp playing CoD Vanguard

Competitive Call of Duty star and 2021 CDL champion Simp has revealed the “best” Automaton loadout in CoD Vanguard to help you get ahead of the curve with the right attachments and equipment.

Ever since Vanguard launched, a small handful of weapons have dominated the meta. The controversially powerful STG still reigns supreme, as does the MP40, the strongest SMG in the game today. Though one other option has stood out in the early weeks.

The Automaton has been a popular AR pick, especially in the pro scene following the STG’s ban. With the optimal setup, it’s an extremely accurate gun more than capable of helping you top the scoreboards.

So if you’re looking for a way to outclass the competition online, there’s no better place to start than with Simp’s Automaton loadout.

FaZe Simp’s Automaton loadout in CoD Vanguard

FaZe Simp's Automaton loadout in CoD Vanguard
Simp’s Automaton loadout has a key focus on mobility.
  • Muzzle: G28 Compensator
  • Barrel: Anastasia Sniper
  • Optic: Slate Reflector
  • Stock: Zac Skeletal
  • Underbarrel: M1941 Hand Stop
  • Magazine: Empty
  • Ammo Type: Lengthened
  • Rear Grip: Granular Grip
  • Proficiency: Tight Grip
  • Kit: On-Hand

The goal of Simp’s Automaton build is to craft the most agile AR possible. Given the pace of Vanguard, having an AR that can flex into a similar playstyle of an SMG is always helpful.

Therefore, every attachment has a similar goal of boosting move speed while keeping accuracy on point. The most important pick to get that done is the Zac Skeletal Stock which gives you “really fast strafe speed,” Simp explained.

Next is the Anastasia Sniper Barrel to help improve both bullet velocity and range. “You really want your guns to have the most bullet velocity possible,” he said. The “only downside” to this particular option comes in terms of hipfire reduction, but as Simp claims, “it doesn’t matter too much on an AR.”

As for the weapon Proficiency, there’s no looking past Tight Grip. This helps reduce flinch “when getting shot,” assuring you win more gunfights than you lose.

When building the rest of the Automaton loadout, there’s nothing out of the ordinary in Simp’s class. “It’s pretty much the basics for any competitive class at the moment,” he said.

From Ninja in the Perk 1 slot to the Ratt as your secondary weapon, you’ll be running all the essentials as you outclass the opposition.