Luminosity and eUnited CoD rosters revealed by the CoDBurner

Calum Patterson

The infamous ‘CoDBurner’ had gone quiet for over a week, but has now returned with a bombshell of information, claiming to have knowledge of both Luminosity’s and eUnited’s rosters.

After not posting anything for over a week, fans started to think the CoDBurner’s antics were over for another RosterMania, but it turns out they were in fact locked out of their account.

Why they were locked out is unknown, but it hasn’t stopped them spreading ‘intel’. A Twitter account dedicated to posting updates from the CoDBurner’s Reddit activity was contacted by them, sharing new roster info.

According to @CODBurnerIntel, the CoDBurner sent a direct message to them, revealing the rosters of FaZe Clan, Luminosity and eUnited.

A short time later, FaZe Clan announced their final roster, with the addition of Anthony ‘Methodz’ Zinni, just as the CoDBurner had predicted. However this was already reported by Dexerto, so wasn’t too far of a reach.

As for Luminosity and eUnited, neither organization has announced their squad for Black Ops 4, but CoDBurner has revealed all.

Apparently Jordan ‘JKap’ Kaplan will be making the switch from LG to eUnited, while Luminosity recruit both Pierce ‘Gunless’ Hillman from Rise and Nick ‘Classic’ DiCostanzo from Envy.

JKap is to be joined on eUnited by upcoming player ‘aBeZy’, while Tyler ‘FeLo’ Johnson is notably missing from the names, leaving his future uncertain.

We previously reported aBeZy’s move to eUnited, which reportedly cost them around $60,000

Sources close to Dexerto have also confirmed this Luminosity lineup as accurate, in which case, it is yet another superstar team heading in to Black Ops 4.

Luminosity Roster (Rumored)

  • Slacked
  • John
  • FormaL
  • Gunless
  • Classic

eUnited Roster (Rumored)

  • Clayster
  • Prestinni
  • Arcitys
  • JKap
  • aBeZy

FaZe Clan Roster (Confirmed)

  • Attach
  • ZooMaa
  • Replays
  • Priestahh
  • Methodz