MLG Announce Hot Mic Lineup as Division A of CWL Pro League Resumes with an All European Cast

Calum Patterson

Eight of the world’s best Call of Duty teams will return to Columbus, Ohio for Division A of the CWL Pro League resuming on Tuesday June 26th.

The teams include CWL Anaheim runners-up Red Reserve, the top European roster who currently sit comfortably atop their division with a 6-1 series record thus far.

The two other European sides in Division A are not fairing so well at all, with Splyce and Epsilon sitting in second last and last place respectively – Epsilon are yet to win a series, and have only won four maps total.

The middle of the division is made up of a concentration of North American teams, (in order) Evil Geniuses, Team Envy, Team Kaliber and FaZe Clan, who will all be scrapping for a spot in the top four to qualify for playoffs.

One team who should be pretty much dead set for a playoff spot though are the leaders Red Reserve, who will be carrying their momentum from Anaheim straight into the league.

And so who better to appear on Hot Mic ahead of matches starting than the European powerhouse, who will be expected to hold on to their top spot.

None of the other teams in this division had a particularly strong Anaheim event, with the highest placing out of the other seven teams being FaZe Clan’s 5-6th, while all others placed top 12 or lower.

Maven will be in charge of proceedings as usual, and will likely discuss Red Reserve’s impressive run at CWL Anaheim, and how they dealt with the tough grand final loss to Rise Nation.

And with the hilarious personality of Matthew “Skrapz” Marshall it should be one of the funniest Hot Mic episodes yet.

You can also send in your own questions to be put to the Red Reserve squad, simply Tweet them out and include the hashtag #MLGHotMic, and Maven will pick the best.

Hot Mic will be streamed at 1pm ET on June 26th, before Division A matches kick off, and you can catch all the action on Call of Duty’s Twitch Channel or on MLG’s official stream.