Nadeshot Witnesses an Attack Dog Hilariously Jumping to It’s Death During Black Ops 4 Beta

In typical ‘Beta’ fashion, some things may need to be reworked prior to the official release of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4.

Beginning on August 3 for PlayStation 4 users, the Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Beta is a chance for players to get their hands on the game much earlier than the original release date.

However, much like usual Beta for any game, some issues may be noticed by players across the time period, which is a perfect opportunity for a developer to troubleshoot potential issues down the line.

In this instance, Nadeshot, a former professional Call of Duty player and now-Owner of 100 Thieves, witnessed a rouge Attack Dog throw itself off the map in a hilarious glitch that will eventually get patched in the future.

The Black Ops 4 Beta will be a perfect opportunity to receive much-needed feedback from community members prior to its official launch on Friday, October 12, with multiple weekends scheduled for players on various platforms.

As of writing, it is unknown if Treyarch plans to implement patches and updates in-between Beta weekends, or if the developer will attempt to find as many issues as possible prior to release.

PlayStation 4 users will be able to play the Beta between Friday, August 3 and Monday, August 6 at 10 AM PST.