New Modern Warfare easter egg hints at possible Warzone BR release date

Brad Norton

Modern Warfare players might not have to wait much longer before dropping into Warzone, Infinity Wards’ upcoming battle royale mode, as recently spotted easter eggs could be teasing a potential release date.

Infinity Ward’s first foray into the battle royale genre has been a hotly discussed topic since leaks first began popping up months ago, even prior to Modern Warfare’s release.

The avid Call of Duty community might finally be able to sink their teeth into the new mode soon however, as newly discovered easter eggs could be teasing a possible release date.

Warzone could be releasing in the very near future if these easter eggs are to be believed.

While Modern Warfare’s major Season 2 update introduced a slew of new content, not everything was released all at once. Added into the rotation in a February 25 update, Bazaar serves as a new battleground in the 2v2 Gunfight playlist. 

Eagle-eyed players have been able to spot a few secrets hidden throughout the new map that could be indicative of Warzone’s release date.

A blank map can be found while exploring the new terrain. A map that is accompanied by a 03/03 date as well as the letters ‘WO.’

The same crate features multiple instances of the date, emphasizing the notion that something big could be on the way for March 3.

The date is a Tuesday which not only aligns with Infinity Ward’s tendency to release new updates on that particular day of the week, but it also falls in line with recent leaks and easter eggs that appear to hint at the same release.

A recent discovery on Piccadilly features the exact same date on a ‘War Beast’ movie poster. 

Moreover, earlier reports have also outlined March as a release window for the upcoming battle royale addition. While there’s no confirmation that the mode itself will be released on March 3, it would be safe to assume that official Warzone information might be revealed on that date. 

Have you found any easter eggs in other maps in modern Warfare?

Warzone will mark the second iteration of a battle royale mode in the Call of Duty franchise, following on from Treyarch’s popular Blackout mode that accompanied Black Ops 4 in 2018.

For all the latest on Infinity Ward’s upcoming release, here’s a rundown on everything we know about Modern Warfare’s battle royale mode.