Octane manages to kill himself twice with a single grenade

100T’s new main AR had a moment to forget while using Battery’s Cluster Grenade in Black Ops 4.

While playing a match of Domination, Octane spawned in and let fly Battery’s new Cluster Grenade ability.

But he accidentally threw it directly in front of himself.

Since the grenade has a scattering effect with multiple detonations, Octane then respawned into the final detonation, managing to eliminate himself twice.

His teammates questioned why his name appeared in the kill feed twice and Octane responded the only way possible – with a nose scratch and an embarrassed acceptance of what just happened.

Octane posted the clip on Twitter, much to the delight of his fans. The owner of Team EnVy even commented that he has never seen someone manage to kill themselves twice with one grenade.

Fellow 100T member Enable also left a comment, letting the world know there is only one AR talented enough to two-piece themselves.