OpTic Gaming Starts Strong at CWL Anaheim With a Sweep Over Splyce

Joe O'Brien

OpTic Gaming started strong at CWL Anaheim with a 3-0 victory over Splyce in their first match of the event.

The new OpTic squad kicked off their first open event together with a flawless first victory.

After being the dominant force in Call of Duty for three years, the OpTic era finally came to an end in WWII. After failing to collect a championship victory in the first half of the season, the legendary roster finally made a change, bringing in Anthony ‘Methodz’ Zinni and Samuel ‘Octane’ Larew to replace Damon ‘Karma’ Barlow and Matthew ‘FormaL’ Piper.

Though the new OpTic roster has already made its debut in the CWL Pro League Stage 2, CWL Anaheim will be the first chance for the squad to collect a trophy for the organization, which would also be the team’s first in WWII.

The first step in the long road to the trophy went smoothly for OpTic, taking a convincing 3-0 win over Splyce to kick off their campaign.

The series kicked off with a comfortable 250-189 London Docks Hardpoint, followed by another convincing win on USS Texas, 6-3. Splyce’s series hopes rested on Ardennes Forest CTF, but a 2-1 victory for OpTic secured the map and match.

OpTic Gaming 3 – 0 Splyce

HP London Docks 250-189

SND USS Texas 6-3

CTF Ardennes Forest 2-1