OpTic Gaming’s Scump Makes Game Winning Play To Clutch Up Against UNILAD in CWL Pro League

Calum Patterson

OpTic Gaming’s longest serving player Seth “Scump” Abner is a seasoned Call of Duty veteran and is used to clutching up in the big moments when his team needs him – with this insane hardpoint play against UNILAD just the latest example.

The new OpTic Gaming roster, which recently recruited Anthony “Methodz” Zinni and Sam “Octane” Larew in place of the outgoing Matthew “FormaL” Piper and semi-retiring Damon “Karma” Barlow, have had their doubters since forming.

And while it is still early days, the team certainly made a statement in their opening game of Division B, as they took out UNILAD – but it wasn’t an entirely comfortable affair.

They did look peerless in the Search and Destroy where they swept UNILAD six rounds to zero, but things got hairy after UNI took the CTF.

Now with a fighting chance in the series, UNILAD were better suited on the smaller, more SMG heavy map Valkyrie – a map many thought OpTic would struggle with due to role issues (having only two primary SMG players, as opposed to three).

And despite taking a solid lead, UNILAD began to mount the comeback on OpTic and after taking full control of the ‘Operations Bunker’ hardpoint and getting three kills, it looked like they would force the game five.

But, Scump had other plans, shutting down all three remaining UNILAD players in the hill and earning his side the final tick they needed to win.

The play may have won OpTic the map and the series, but other top teams such as Rise Nation will perhaps see vulnerability in the new OG roster on Valkyrie hardpoint particularly.

OpTic would have preferred to close out the map more comfortably, but cutting it close is what makes for these highlight reel moments.

And since Scump has faced increased criticism this year over his performances in CoD: WWII, this game saving play may go a long way to boosting his confidence and the ‘Greenwall’ supporters.

Division B of the CWL Pro League resumes on Wednesday May 30th, with matches beginning at 2pm ET (7pm BST, 11am PT).