Simp explains key issue OpTic Chicago exposed ahead of Atlanta FaZe Champs run

Jacob Hale
Atlanta FaZe simp

Atlanta FaZe’s CDL Stage 5 loss to OpTic Chicago came as a surprise to many, and now that we’re reaching the business end of the season, it’s possibly the worst time for FaZe to be showing gaps in their skillset.

The Atlanta side have no doubt been the best side of the Call of Duty League era, and the 2021 season has seen them act as the final boss throughout.

They’ve lost just five matches this season, rarely showing any signs of being incapable, and with the Stage 5 Major and Champs fast approaching, they’ll be hoping to go end the season with similar success.

Following the side’s loss to close rivals OpTic Chicago, Chris ‘Simp’ Lehr explained how it exposed his team, and it’s something the top CDL competition will be keeping an eye on as the big money approaches.

Simp playing in the Call of Duty League
Atlanta FaZe are undoubtedly the best team in the CDL.

Talking through FaZe’s series’ against both OpTic and LA Thieves, Simp said there are a couple of problems for the team that need addressing, but one in particular.

As well as suggesting a drop-off in Search & Destroy performance, Simp says it actually showed a real weakness in Hardpoint.

“This match was a huge wake-up call for our Hardpoints, as if there wasn’t one already,” he explained. “I feel like now everyone understands that we’re not doing the stuff we’re supposed to and we need to just be working together.”

They did actually win a Hardpoint against OpTic, taking the Apocalypse in fairly dominant fashion, but they were just returning the favor from a lackluster performance on Moscow.

This is definitely something other top teams such as Dallas Empire and Toronto Ultra will be keeping close tabs on in the final events of the season, and if they can capitalize, Atlanta FaZe’s miracle season could end in disaster.