Simple Warzone trick perfectly counters Big Bertha truck drivers

Joe Craven
Warzone Trucks with logo

A Warzone player has shared a simple and effective counter to vehicle users in Call of Duty’s battle royale, giving the drivers a ticket to the Gulag. 

Vehicles in Warzone were, at first, pretty annoying for many players. The ability to run enemies over and instantly eliminate them was not particularly popular – especially in ‘Big Bertha’: armored trucks that are considerably more difficult to destroy, even with an RPG.

However, adjustments have come and gone and many now realize vehicles have as many downsides as they do positives. Players in vehicles, for example, are visible to every other player on the map. They are also considerably easier to destroy than they were in previous seasons of Warzone.

Warzone truck
Vehicles are a way to quickly reposition around the Warzone map.

One player – u/Wicksy1994 – shared the clip to Reddit, describing it as “a simple lesson in how to outplay braindead truck users in Solos”. It’s fair to say it was exactly that, leaving the enemy likely red-faced but certainly in the Gulag.

The player attracts the attention of the driver by laying down some FFAR shots. The damage they were doing was negligible, but it succeeded in manipulating the enemy to drive right at them.

Next up, a bouncing betty was thrown down before the player retreated, threw an Ammunition Box down and resupplied, before retreating again. As the enemy drove straight towards them, the bouncing betty exploded, along with the munitions box, completely destroying the truck and swiftly eliminating its driver.

It’s a seriously easy way to eliminate a less-than-brilliant enemy using a vehicle. This is a particularly good trick for enemies in ‘big bertha’ trucks as they are much slower and easier to hop out of the way of at late notice.

There may be adjustments made to vehicles in Season 3 when it drops, but this is a good trick to use in the meantime. As for Season 3, leaks suggest the Skorpion SMG, CZ75 pistol, and FAL tactical rifle could be on their way to Warzone and BOCW.

Barring any changes, Season 3 is set to release on or around April 21.