Splyce’s Bance Experiences the Strangest 1 vs. 1 Loss in History Against Envy’s Decemate in the CWL Pro League

Ross Deason

Splyce’s Ben ‘Bance’ Bance experienced one of the strangest bullet registration issues you will ever see while playing Team Envy in the CWL Pro League.

Splyce’s Call of Duty team had a difficult start to Season 2 of the CWL Pro League, finishing the first week with a record of 1-3 after losing some nail-biting matches.

However, they had only secured the services of Joshua-Lee ‘Joshh’ Sheppard in early May and showed a number of signs that week two could be different as they continue to improve on their team cohesion.

Their first challenge of the week came in the form of Team Envy on May 22nd. Envy had a strong first week but Splyce came out swinging in the Hardpoint to take a 1-0 series lead.

However, the second map, Valkyrie Search and Destroy, went to Team Envy with a 6-5 score which brought the teams level going into the Capture The Flag.

This likely wouldn’t have been the case if not for Bance losing a 1 vs. 1 in round six when he seemingly had Jacob “Decemate” Cato dead to rights but his bullets quite literally seemed to disappear.

Even the commentators were confused by the exchange, suggesting that some sort of weapon sway or flinch may have been the issue.

Luckily for Splyce, they were able to put the frustrating Search and Destroy behind them and take the final two maps to take a 3-1 series win and prove that they are still a team to fear heading into the rest of Stage 2.

The European team’s next match will be against the Season 1 Champions, FaZe Clan, on Wednesday, May 23rd.

A slow motion version of the Bance vs. Decemate clip can be found below.