Team Kaliber Owner KOSDFF Makes Big Threat Amid Speculation His CoD Team Will Disband

Calum Patterson

The competitive Call of Duty community has been embroiled in speculation as the second roster mania of the 2018 CWL season is in full swing, with top teams all rumored to be making changes.

At the center of the speculation, is the dynastic OpTic Gaming roster, who after over three years of competing together look certain to split following a disappointing first half of the WWII season.

On May 1st, we reported on a credible source’s claims that Team Kaliber player Anthony “Methodz” Zinni was crucial to a number of high profile deals, due to a complex contractual situation with Methodz’ former team, Rise Nation.

Our source explains that despite Methodz transfer to tK, his contract is still owned by Rise, as tK are yet to met the buyout – which has now expired.

As a result, Rise are in talks with OpTic Gaming to take sell Methodz’ contract, with OpTic then set to use Methodz as a bargaining piece with FaZe Clan for Tommy “ZooMaa” Paparratto.

Of course none of this is officially confirmed, and negotiations are on going. However, whatever the situation is, it looks as though Team Kaliber is not getting the best end of the deal, as owner Justin “KOSDFF” Chandler posted a rather telling Tweet.

It is unclear exactly what KOSDFF is referring to, but it certainly indicates that there is potential for one of the team’s star players to be moving, leaving tK in a tough spot.

The most likely case is that Methodz is indeed still technically owned by Rise Nation, and feels his chances may be better on another roster, or is not being given a choice given the contractual situation.

KOSDFF is yet to go “full KOSburner” (referring to the recent ‘CoDBurner’ account which ‘leaked’ numerous roster dealings), but if sticks to his word we should be seeing some more come from the tK owner within coming days.