Warzone player becomes one man anti-cheat after wiping out bug abusers

Alex Garton
Warzone anti cheat

A Warzone player has taken the fight against bug abusers into their own hands, wiping out a set of cheaters who were camping below the map on Rebirth Island.

Warzone’s Season 3 update is in full swing and players are exploring each of the new POI’s added after the huge Nuke event. Although the major patch added a range of new content to check out, a lot of the old and familiar issues remain in the game.

Of course, we’re talking about the countless bugs and exploits that can be found across the two Warzone maps.

From a glitch that grants invisibility under the new Stadium to a spot on the Train Station roof that forces players to fall through the map, the devs have certainly still got a lot of issues to iron out.

This includes the ability to glitch under the map on Rebirth Island and shoot enemies who cannot fire back. Well, one Warzone player decided it was time to take a stand against the cheaters and deal with the issue head-on.

Warzone Rebirth
Rebirth Island offers players a more hectic and fast-paced style of gameplay.

Warzone player takes on cheaters head-on

A thread showing a player wiping out a set of cheaters map exploiting on Rebirth Island has garnered over 23,000 upvotes on the CODWarzone subreddit.

After noticing a vehicle was parked in a suspicious position on the Rebirth Island map, JuuliusCaesar69 realized immediately what was going on. He wasted no time hopping into the vehicle and glitching himself through the wall.

It was at this point that he began searching for the cheaters and it didn’t take him long to find them. With no hesitation, JuuliusCaesar69 killed all three of the exploiters who were sat killing players from under the map.

Instead of taking their position and using the exploit for himself, he moved out of the spot immediately and disposed of the vehicle into the sea.

If Raven Software is looking for a reliable anti-cheat system, they should consider hiring JuuliusCeasar as a one-man solution.

He dealt with the exploiters perfectly and even finished them off in a single mag. It’s fair to say we need more players like this who are willing to resist the temptation to glitch and cheat in Warzone to gain an advantage.