Warzone streamer IceManIsaac shows cheap way to increase K/D on Caldera

Jaret Kappelman

Looking for an easy method to help raise your K/D in Warzone? Well, streamer IceManIsaac reveals a simple trick that anyone can use to do that. 

On December 8, Warzone received a massive update that integrated all of Vanguard’s aspects into the battle royale.

With this came a brand new map, exclusive game modes, World War II vehicles, and more.

While it’s a fresh start in Warzone, player stats still remain the same. So if you’re looking to boost that K/D ratio from Verdansk you may want to take advantage of this simple method.

Warzone pacific planes
Warzone players can abuse planes to help raise their K/D ratio.

Warzone streamer shows how to boost K/D with planes

One of Warzone’s LTM is Vanguard Royale where only things from that game are on the map. This includes fighter planes which can be used to get the easiest kills ever.

Warzone sensation, IceManIsaac revealed in a YouTube video that these planes are one of the most broken ways to raise your K/D.

The streamer claimed that he used this method for over 10 hours of gameplay and averaged at least a 10.0 K/D during that span.

While they can be tricky to get the hang of, IceManIsaac said, “In the hands of a master, they’re unbelievable.” It just takes a little practice and then once you understand the controls it is simple to mow down enemies.

To abuse this feature in Warzone you need to hop into the Vanguard Royale as they are exclusive to this LTM. Once there, he recommends dropping in right away on the nearest plane.

IceManIsaac claims that he averaged over a 10 K/D using planes.

After finding a plane, start flying around and blast enemies out of the sky that are still trying to reach their landing spot. If you down them in the sky they will fall to their death granting you a kill.

If you repeat this method over and over IceManIsaac said you can easily see your K/D go from negative to positive in a matter of a few hours.