Avatar: The Last Airbender cosplayer makes waves with epic Katara take

Brent Koepp
Twitter: @QueenNyotaCos / Nickelodeon

A talented Avatar: The Last Airbender cosplayer wowed fans with her true to life Katra costume that is so incredibly accurate, she makes bending the elements look real.

Avatar takes place in a world where people can bend the elements of air, earth, water, and fire, and the protagonist, a child Monk named Aang, can control all four.

On his journey to master his powers and bring balance to humanity, he’s accompanied by a water bending healer named Katara, and a talented cosplayer brought the heroine to life with her skilled photography.

NickelodeonThe groundbreaking animation first aired in 2005 on Nickelodeon.

Water-bending brought to life with Katara cosplay

Katra is from the Southern Water Tribe, and is the first person to discover Avatar Aang, who has been missing for over a hundred years due to accidentally being trapped in ice under the ocean.

Cosplayer ‘queennyotacosplay‘ had fans raving about her incredibly accurate costume of the water-bending hero. In the show, the character infamously sports hair loops at the front, which the talented artist nailed with her hairstyle.

She also faithfully recreated Katara’s Water Tribe attire, which consists of a blue wrap shirt with white lining that keeps her warm from the arctic weather, as well as her iconic choker necklace.


Not only is her costume a completely accurate portrayal down to all the little details, such as blue arm wraps and gloves which she uses when bending water, the cosplayer looks completely identical to beloved character.

Kicking it up a notch, the talented artist posted beautiful photography on her Instagram, which utilizes incredible special effects to make her look like she’s twisting the water around her.

While the character is initially limited to healing with her abilities due to gender roles in her tribe, the character eventually becomes a Master of the element and become a fierce fighter, which Nyota captures in her stunning photography.


Avatar fans have a lot to be excited for as Netflix announced that they’ve hired the series’ creators to help bring the show back in 2020 with a live action remake for the streaming platform.

Nickelodeon is also celebrating the show’s 15th anniversary next year as well, with a limited edition Blu-Ray release of the entire series, which fans will want to get their hands on quickly as there are only 20,000 units being made.