Cosplayer goes Fullmetal Alchemist with stunning Ed Elric outfit

David Purcell
Fullmetal Alchemist hand

Fullmetal alchemist’s main protagonist Edward Elric might well be one of the most popular in the series, leading one fan to recreate the character in real life and the cosplay is amazing. 

The popular anime series, adapted from the manga produced by Hiromu Arakawa, has attracted tons of attention since being made available to watch on Netflix, with the streaming service taking the show to the mainstream.

Ed Elric is the youngest State Alchemist ever to grace the world’s fictional country of Amestris, fighting battles without a natural left leg and right arm after losing both limbs when a transmutation attempt failed badly.

Edward Elric in Fullmetal Alchemist
Ed Elric is one of the series’ most popular characters.

His inspirational story, fighting on through the hardships life has thrown at him and appearing very much as the star of the show, has resonated with so many people around the world – with some even trying to recreate the character in real life.

Instagram user samyuueru has posted snaps of his incredible cosplay, showing not just incredible attention to detail in the red coat, hairstyle and other features of the body, but also the mechanical hand as well.

The cosplayer has posted a number of poignant photographs from the shoot to their account, some of which can be seen below.

While the first two shots focus solely on the briefcase he’s holding and the bright red jacket, which contrasts extremely well in the forest setting chosen for the shoot, later posts gave fans a closer look at the hand.

Samyuueru has done a tremendous job, incorporating this level of detail into the design. They posted: “You may know I have a thing for detail shots. So here’s one of our shoot! I think you can expect a small story row.. At least they might relate in style and mood.”

This isn’t the only Fullmetal Alchemist cosplay to have been created by fans, though. The anime series has built up a tremendously creative fanbase and community, with cosplays, artwork and more shared online.

Hopefully, having seen how good this one is, it’s not the last either.

About The Author

David is a former Managing Editor on and now works as the Head of Editorial Growth across the network. You can contact him via email: