CS:GO Commentator HenryG Responds to UFC Legend Mark Hunt’s Call Out Video in Hilarious Fashion at IEM Sydney

Ross Deason

Popular CS:GO commentator Henry ‘HenryG’ Greer has responded to mixed martial arts and kickboxing legend Mark Hunt’s call out video in brilliant fashion.

HenryG enjoyed a successful career as a professional Counter-Strike: Source player between 2006 and 2012 but he is best known now as a CS:GO commentator.

However, that doesn’t mean that his competitive drive has disappeared and he has thrown himself into the pre-match trash talk for his showmatch against Chad ‘SPUNJ’ Burchill with a force that can only be admired.

Due to take place on Sunday May 6th at IEM Sydney, the showmatch will see HenryG and a team of Brits take on SPUNJ and his Australian comrades in a game that promises to be both exciting and hilarious.

HenryG started the trash talk with a hilarious video on April 28th where he burst into a room with a deck chair and floored his opponent in typical WWE fashion but things got really serious on May 2nd when MMA legend Mark Hunt announced that he would be in SPUNJ’s corner and made it clear that he doesn’t like bullies.

Never one to back down, HenryG mocked Hunt and a number of other fighters that also commented on the announcement before deciding to truly light the touchpaper with this hilarious video shared on the Intel Extreme Masters Twitter account.

After throwing a cup of tea (hopefully cold) in SPUNJ’s face, HenryG continues with his WWE persona by shouting down the camera at Mark Hunt, saying “you’re not here to protect him now, are you? Let’s hope he makes it to Sunday.”

On a scale of 1 to stupid, we’d put “mocking Mark Hunt” right at the top of the scale, even if we were only joking, but HenryG has already made it clear that he isn’t concerned, saying “I hope he’s ready to put it all on the line against 200lbs of 100% british beef”.

Of course, we don’t want to be the ones to break it to him that Hunt’s left leg probably weighs more than his entire body so we’ll just sit back and enjoy the carnage.

Never change, HenryG, never change.