Andrew and Tristan Tate allegedly ‘enslaved’ women and took their OnlyFans earnings

Calum Patterson
Andrew Tate with his brother, Tristan

According to prosecutors in Romania, evidence against Andrew Tate and Tristan includes transcripts of the brothers admitting to keeping OnlyFans revenue from women in their business, and a desire to work them like “slaves”.

Evidence seen by the BBC, but not verified for translation accuracy, includes transcriptions of conversations reportedly had by the brothers as well as two women also implicated in the case.

A total of 300 pages contain the evidence that is intended to be brought to the trial when it begins, which is still not expected to be completed for several years.

Tristan accused of saying “slave these b*tches”

The evidence contains transcriptions of a conversation that allegedly took place in 2020, where Tristan Tate is said to have laid out plans to work the women as though they were slaves.

“Mainly I’m going to slave these bitches […] I’m going to make them work even more hours and hours and hours. I work these bitches like slaves. […] SLAVE work. Minimum 10 or 12 hours a day.”

He also allegedly denied the women access to passwords for sites including OnlyFans, in order to retain all the revenue for himself.

“I don’t want them to have the passwords, I don’t want them to have anything. […] “I don’t want to tell them that they have OnlyFans, I want that money to be used by me and you, screw them…”

However, two of the women who are considered victims by the prosecutors, claim that they in fact retained all of their income, and have publicly supported the Tate brothers.

Andrew Tate and Tristan Tate in 'the war room'
The brothers have repeatedly denied the allegations against them.

Prosecutors also allege that women who were new recruits were prevented from leaving the house at any time, and were placed under the supervision of Luana Radu and Georgiana Naghel, the two women also accused alongside the brothers.

In a text to one of the alleged victims, Andrew is reported to have said that Tristan and Ms. Naghel are the ones “running the girl business/OnlyFans and TikTok.”

Andrew Tate rape allegations

Andrew Tate is also accused of rape, with various transcriptions in the evidence seen by the BBC set to be brought forward on this accusation.

In one text message, Andrew Tate is alleged to have said, “Don’t be boring […] I want to see that you submit to me […] shut up you wh**e, you will do as I say.”

An alleged rape victim claims she was unable to refuse Andrew’s demands as he would hold her head during sex and threatened to get her pregnant and lock her in the house. This left the woman scared and crying, prosecutors claim.

The brothers face charges of human trafficking, forming a criminal gang, and rape. They deny all charges. We will keep you updated on the Tate trial here on Dexerto.